Welcome to Spiritual Reiki Healing
Hello and welcome. I am Tish Holmes and I am a Reiki Grand Master. I try and help people and animals via doing healings, psychometry and more. We have helped humans and animals get over Covid as well as worked with a dog rescue center to help dogs settle in or prepare them so can find a new loving home. Also a local farm with lambing and other animals on the farm.
We can help distantly or in person if live near by. We can still send distant healing to you, anyone (even animals) who many need it plus add you to our book for healing when we meditate which we do each morning.
Some more details about me are shown below but please get in touch for more details via our Contact page.
Tish and Paul.

Tish has been doing Spiritual healing for many years trying to give healing to people, animals and Mother Earth. Tish is a Reiki Grand Master, Kundalini Reiki Master, Angel Reiki Master, Shamanic Master, Dragon Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Grand Master, does Crystal Healing, Etheric Acupuncture, Negative Energy Clearing, Reiki & Angel Training, Human & Animal Chakra Balancing, Distant Healing, Psychometry, Psychic work, Tarot Card Readings, Angel therapist and is often learning other Reiki healings and Spiritual ways.
Tish does private work as well as public events. Details often on web site or our Facebook page. If you would like a private healing, reading etc please get in touch if live within the Hull/East Yorkshire area.
We have a variety of healing stones, incense & burners plus other items you maybe interested in purchasing on our web store. Also many of our own designed and handmade greeting cards and jewellery come Reiki Infused. See the shop link below to see what items we have for sale .
To find out what Spiritual or craft fairs we are attending use the CottageHolmesCreations link below and go to the Shows page. Follow up on Facebook or Twitter by using the links below.
If you would like to email us kindly do so via the Contact page.
Your trust is important to us: Your email is safe and we will not sell/pass your details onto any third parties.
I'm not teaching about religion, my divine work is to teach about Angels, there are so many they all do different things including your Guardian Angels that everybody good or bad has in fact you can have two or more.
You don't need to be "Specially" chosen or even religious anyone can ask to receive the Angels healing help. They will help anyone, you just have to ask for Arch Angel Raphael to help you.
To learn more please get in touch via the Contact page.

We also would like to attend Mind Body & Spirit [+ craft] shows around East Yorkshire and the Humber, so if you organise a show and would like to invite us with our stand (with Spiritual, own designed/made greeting cards, crafting items, own designed/made jewellery items) or Tish to do her spiritual work then please email us via the Contact page with the heading Show-Organiser.
We would be interested to hear from others about spiritual happenings, stories etc, so if you would like to share them with us and have them on our blog page, then kindly send details to us via the contact page.
We will NOT put any names to articles unless you say we can do so.
Thank you
We have a shop selling spiritual items, please click link SpiritualReikiHealing Online Webshop
To see other web sites within the group kindly visit www.cottageholmescreations.co.uk and see the Our Web Sites page.
A Bit More About Tish
Tish has grown up in a Family that collected and recycled all sorts and spent her childhood undoing jumpers that her Nan had knitted to redo into something else. Old clothes were made into patchwork, shells stuck onto large glass jars to making lamp bases. Tish father was a carpenter so he spent many hours making toys, spice pots, bowls, whatever was needed and he would sell these to nieghbours and Craft Fairs. Tish will tackle most crafts but loves jewellery making from gems to found objects, patchwork, paper crafting, sewing especially anything for our now 7 Grandchildren. Also enjoy knitting, crocheting, painting in different mediums and growing our own fruit & veg. Tish a mentioned above is a Grand Reiki Master plus Angel Healer, She loves Crystals and will help anyone in need of healing including animals domestic or wild. Tish is married to Paul and they have 4 beautiful Daughters who along with their Husbands have given us 7 Grandchildren who we adore and love very much.
Tish can often be found at home working on one of her ideas or playing quite happily with our Grandchildren.
I have days of Individual private readings on various dates and at various venues, as well as evenings of Psychometry.
I can accommodate party or single bookings for readings or Psychometry.
A reading can help get deeper insight into problems, or relationships which can give you a different perspective on the situation. Clarity and hope can be found through what is revealed about your life during a reading. As the reading progresses knowledge and information becomes available to you which will help guide you through challenges and perhaps answer questions about your life path. Best approached with an open mind.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing can help balance the energy flow within the body bringing balance on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It can induce a meditative state in which you feel and sense spiritual energies working within and around you.
Life gets more hectic and sometimes you can feel out of balance and tired. Spiritual healing helps to re-charge the body, spirit and mind as well as ease aches and pains while balancing energy flow throughout.
A spiritual healing session is relaxing and soothing for the whole person. During the process which can take up to an hour, energy blockages within the human energy field are gently removed enabling positive healing energy to flow to wherever it is most needed in the body.
If you would like to know more or book a healing then please get in touch.

Reiki in brief.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being.
Achieve Believe and Inspire

©2010-- 2025 by SpiritualReikiHealing
Love Light Power & Presence